Notes for Book Reviews

Trends in Public Health and Behaviour (TPHB) also publishes review papers. The board of editors thinks that review works are valuable parts of scientific and academic studies/publications.

The critics and reviews of the books written in English are accepted. The review papers published in TPHB are given DOI (Digital Object Identifier) numbers and sent to the databases indexing TPHB.

What is a review paper?

  • A review paper is a text which introduces a book, an article, or a compilation to a wider audience through discussing, criticising, and constructively interpreting its content and structure.
  • A book review is different from a book report. A book report acknowledges just the content of the book, while the content stands for only a small part of an academic review paper.
  • A book review is expected to criticise and comment on the content, method, and structure of the text in hand constructively. It also needs to review the thoughts critically, discuss the consistency of the thoughts, and how the sources and resources are used.

Writing the review

The author needs to ensure that the content of the review includes these points:

  • A brief, impressive introduction of the topic/subject, and the discussion of the text under consideration;
  • A summary of the original text;
  • Presenting the inferences made from the text, and the strengths and weaknesses it referring to the logical order of thoughts;
  • A discussion and conclusion part consisting of the reviewer's viewpoints concerning the original text.

The format of the review

The formatting requirements presented for research articles are also valid for book reviews. Thus, the writing rules and citation style must be addressed.

  • The title of a book review paper must be different from the title of the book reviewed.
  • The issues listed below must be included in the review paper.

° The author(s) or editor(s) name, and surname (it must be stated if the text is a compilation)

° The title of the book

° Publication year

° The place it published

° The publisher

° Number of pages in total


The Review Process of the Book Reviews

  • TPHB prioritises the reviews of those books or texts published within the last five years. Demanding the review of their publication(s), the publisher(s) or the author(s) should send a request to TPHB by sending an e-mail to
  • Since book reviews are given a limited place in journal issues, monographs authored by individuals are given priority. Other types of reviews come after the monographs. The review of textbooks and handbooks is not published in TPHB.
  • Before starting a book review for TPHB, the reviewers are advised to get in touch with the journal editor first.
  • There should not be any personal connection between the author(s) of the original text and the reviewer (working at the same department chair, thesis jury membership, close friends, etc.).